Having lots of native plants and pollinator flowers thriving in your yard or garden makes a great contribution to the health of planet Earth. Let these vibrant native plants grow naturally and give your local bees and butterflies a treat. Learn more about why native plants are important.
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Lonicera Sempervirens 'Major Wheeler'
Chionanthus Virginicus
Vaccinium Corymbosum 'Northland'
Aronia Melanocarpa 'Iroquois Beauty'
Hypericum Kalmianum 'Gemo'
Hydrangea Arb. V Rad 'Pinky Pollen Ring'
Diervilla Lonicera 'Copper'
Viburnum Dentatum 'Blue Blaze'
Lindera Benzoin
Juniperus Communis 'Blueberry Delight'
Rosa Palustris
Heuchera Villosa 'Bronze Wave'
Senna Hebecarpa
Liatris Spicata
Kalmia Latifolia 'Kaleidoscope'
Ilex Glabra 'Shamrock'
Vaccinium Corymbosum 'Patriot'
Vaccinium Corymbosum 'Bluecrop'
Vaccinium Corymbosum 'Duke'
Spigelia Marilandica 'Little Redhead'
Vaccinium Corymbosum 'Blue Jay'
Itea Virginica 'Little Henry'
Hypericum Frondosum 'Sunburst'
Fothergilla Major 'Mt. Airy'