Trees & Shrubs
Green Promise Farms brings us the loveliest healthy trees and shrubs from American Beauties. Every plant in this special selection will fill the perfect spot in your yard or garden with vitality, beauty and texture. Curated best of the best. And learn here how to plant and care for your favorites.
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Vaccinium Corymbosum 'Blue Jay'
Cornus Sericea 'Cardinal'
Hydrangea Arb. 'Haas' Halo'
Fothergilla Major
Spiraea Tomentosa
Yucca Filamentosa 'Excalibur'
Juniperus Communis 'Blueberry Delight'
Chamaecyparis Thyoides 'Top Point'
Leucothoe Axillaris 'Squirt'
Arctostaphylos Massachusetts Hybrid