About This Item
A chic, colorful houseplant for adding a splash of pink to your home or office, Calathea Dottie features rich green-purple leaves variegated with a band of hot pink. It is grown and shipped fresh from our Florida farm to your home.
Additional Details
Bold, dramatic plant that beautifully accents other indoor plants. Can grow about 18 inches tall and wide in time. Calatheas hate drafts, so keep them away from heating or cooling vents and drafty doors or windows to help keep their foliage looking fresh. This plant needs to live in a room with at least some natural light. Place it on a table or countertop with windows nearby. This plant is a very thirsty one, check on it 2-3 times per week and add water every time the top of the soil feels dry to the touch.
Shipping Information
Shipping not available to selected states: AK, GU, HI, PR, USVI
Trending Tropicals® Calathea Dottie in Self-Watering Planter
Trending Tropicals® Calathea Dottie in Self-Watering Planter