Why We Love It
True blue is a hard color to come by in the world of flowers, and this False Indigo comes so very close. I love to see this pop in late May when it is exploding in deep-blue, pea-like flowers. It also grows into a monster of a plant through the summer!
About This Item
Stately and stunning are two words that accurately sum up this American Beauties native that is long lived and easy to grow. While a perennial that dies back to the ground each year, Baptisia looks like a shrub once it emerges from the soil with multiple, tall, upright, almost woody stems creating a big, beefy bush with deep green pea-like foliage. By mid-May, the top of each stem sports a string of buds that open by late month revealing deep, indigo blue, hooded, pea-like flowers that may stretch 6-8" high. The color is stunning against the foliage backdrop and the flowers are long lasting,…
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Blue Indigo
Blue Indigo