Why We Love It
I turn to Cardinal Flower whenever I need to a problem-solver of a plant for moist or even wet situations like along ponds and streams. When it blooms in July, I am always taken away with its scarlet-red flowers—and all the hummingbirds and butterflies that visit it!
About This Item
You'll find this classic American Beauties plant growing naturally in moist, swampy areas, but with a constantly moist soil it will thrive in your landscape and put on a stunning summer show. Plant it toward the back of the garden or around wetland features and in groups to put on the best show as this plant forms a dense clump of upright stems crowded with almost fleshy, medium green foliage. Buds form at the tops of these stems and give rise to a profuse amount of scarlet-red, two lipped tubular flowers in late July continuing right into September. Humming_birds find these flowers an…
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Cardinal Flower
Cardinal Flower