About This Item
This is one of those plants that is so unobtrusive until it comes into bloom and then is so outstanding that you are always taken pleasantly by surprise. 'Lucerne' is so easy to grow, tolerating most any well-drained soil and full sun and sporting clean, deep green, narrow grass-like or iris-like foliage that forms a clean, upright landscape tuft that is pleasing but unremarkable. Loads of buds begin to form in early May, emerging from the foliage, and the plant transforming show is ready to begin. Buds open in mid-May with an explosion of deep blue, yellow centered, 3?4" six lobed flowers…
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Up to 7-10 day processing time for orders to: AZ, CA, MT, NV, OR, UT, WA
Lucerne Blue-Eyed Grass
Lucerne Blue-Eyed Grass