Pacific Northwest Plants
The Pacific Northwest is a temperate region that can grow a huge variety of plants. These stunning shrubs and perennials are sure to be star performers. While most of the region falls in USDA zones 3 to 7, there are some exceptions so check suitability before planting.
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Gibraltar Azalea
Dark Lord Rhododendron
White Rugosa Rosa
Rugosa Rose
Blue Star Juniper
Gold Cone Juniper
Hypericum Kalmianum 'Gemo'
Hydrangea Arb. V Rad 'Pinky Pollen Ring'
Juniperus Communis 'Blueberry Delight'
Heuchera Villosa 'Bronze Wave'
Kalmia Latifolia 'Kaleidoscope'
Spigelia Marilandica 'Little Redhead'
Cephalanthus Occidentalis 'Sugar Shack'
Wisteria Macrostachya 'Blue Moon'
Cornus Sericea 'Cardinal'
Chelone Glabra
Vernonia 'Iron Butterfly'
Aster 'Vibrant Dome'
Sisyrinchium Angustifolium 'Lucerne'
Lobelia Cardinalis